Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Hopeful and Hesitant (Stream of Conscious)

Eyes and ears stare gently at the glass pane,
The candle lit beside me reflects endlessly,
Each flicker appears to be its last,
But until the end comes near, I will stare.

An image emerges with each flick of the candle,
Unlike the flame, the image does not falther,
No reflection, but it stares back at me.

Someone I am familiar with, a person I know,
Miles away now but is here in my reflection,
Are you here to haunt me?
Are you here to tell me?

The flame begins to sit, to remain still,
The image flows intensely,
The image becomes clear,
I know who you are,
Why are you here, disturbing my peace?
No, you need something, but what is it?

An answer that I have avoided for years,
A truth that I will confront,
An action I will avoid at all costs,
I too need what you seek.

The time is now to change who I am,
For too long have I imprisoned myself,
For too long have I fiddled with my conscious,
Nobody except for me knows what to do,
And why I must do it.

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