Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Revisiting Old Poetry

I've been looking through my archives and I'm choosing to share these poems because it reflects how I feel at the moment. Enjoy!

Moments and Memories

Moments past and moments renewed,
Have only brought hopes of anew,
Memories that chill and times of glum,
Are only times past and forever forgot.

True memories and unforgettable times,
Are made with love and fortune,
With cheerful hopes and smiling hearts,
Do we cherish in an endless chain of memories.

Do not regret, do not fret, for we are learning,
The mistakes we cause, the misfortunes alot,
Are merely preparations for a time unforgot,
Wait for those moments, wait for those times,

For it is those memories that define our lives,
It is those moments that we remember and cherish forever.

Exuding with Hesitance

During the coldest of nights, during the warmest of days,
I feel your breathe, your beat, your lulling soft voice,
My chest exudes with hesitance, willing to escape
Whenever my minds stumbles upon your face,
No, I am not infatuated in your existence,
Nor am I joyful during your presence,
I am shocked, I am astounded, I am paralyzed with hope,
A hope to look onwards for the next God given day,
That I will see your face and given the chance to embrace your grace,
It seems to me, your existence is what keeps me safe,
Keeps me grounded to reality, whatever that may be,
You've given me the chance to experience a precious piece of life.

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